UAR Publisher follows a rigorous and transparent peer-review process to ensure the quality, credibility, and originality of all published research. Our journals adopt a double-blind peer review system, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to ensure fairness and impartiality.

1. Submission & Initial Screening

  • Authors submit their manuscripts through the online submission system.
  • The editorial team conducts an initial screening to check for plagiarism, formatting compliance, and adherence to journal scope.
  • Manuscripts that pass this stage proceed to peer review, while those that do not comply may be returned for revision or rejected.

2. Double-Blind Peer Review

  • The editor assigns the manuscript to two or more expert reviewers in the relevant field.
  • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on originality, methodology, clarity, significance, and ethical compliance.
  • Reviewers submit a detailed report with recommendations:
    • Accept without changes
    • Accept with minor revisions
    • Revise and resubmit (major revisions required)
    • Reject

3. Revision & Author Response

  • If revisions are required, authors must address the reviewers’ comments and submit a revised manuscript.
  • The revised manuscript may be re-evaluated by the same reviewers to ensure that concerns are properly addressed.

4. Editorial Decision

  • Based on reviewer feedback, the editor makes the final decision on whether to accept, reject, or request further revisions.
  • Authors are notified of the decision along with reviewers’ comments to improve their work.

5. Proofreading & Publication

  • Accepted manuscripts undergo proofreading and formatting before publication.
  • Authors receive a final proof to check for any errors before the paper is published online.

6. Post-Publication Review

  • UAR Publisher encourages post-publication discussions and corrections if any errors or ethical concerns arise after publication.

This structured peer-review process ensures that all research published by UAR Publisher journals meets the highest academic and ethical standards.