
Only English-language papers are accepted.

Page Format

Manuscripts should be formatted as A4-sized Microsoft Word documents with 1.0-inch margins on all sides. The text should be in Times New Roman, size 12, One columns format. References and tables should have single line spacing, and tables/images must be arranged in the order they appear in the manuscript. The maximum length is 30 pages, with additional fees for extra pages.

Manuscript Title

The title should be concise and accurately reflect the study’s content.

Author Information

Include the full names, affiliations, email addresses, and phone numbers of all authors. The corresponding author should be clearly identified.


The abstract should be no more than 300 words, providing a brief summary of the study. After the abstract, include a list of keywords (up to seven) and any important acronyms.


Provide a clear and concise introduction explaining the study’s background, objectives, and significance.

Materials and Methods

Clearly describe the methodology, materials, and procedures used in the study, ensuring transparency and reproducibility.

Results and Discussion

Authors may choose to combine or separate the results and discussion sections. This section should interpret findings in relation to previous studies.


Include funding details, grant information, and acknowledgments of contributions from individuals or institutions.


References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in the order they appear in the text. Use APA style citation format:

  • Single author: (Rahul, S., 2018)
  • Multiple authors: (Rahul et al., 2018)

Publication Fee

If a paper is accepted for publication, authors must pay the required publication fees.

Proofreading and Publication

Before publication, proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for final review. Authors must carefully check for errors and return the proof promptly. The editorial team will finalize the manuscript for publication.